  一味違った語学留学 私の留学記 海を渡った高校生 クロストーク

Public Transportation

by Katie Mary Ballyk

バンクーバーにあるPublic Transportation(公共交通機関)は、バス、スカイトレイン(電車)、シーバス(フェリー)、ウエストコースト・エキスプレス(通勤用鉄道)などで、バス、スカイトレイン、シーバスは同じ切符で乗り継げるようになっている。大学生のJennyさんと留学生の裕介君(Yusuke)がバスを待っている。

Jenny: Finally, our bus is here!(やっとバスが来た!)

Yusuke: This is my first time riding a bus in Canada! I hope it's not too different (あまり違わない)from Japan.

Jenny: I'm sure it won't be. Make sure you have the exact fare(おつりのいらない金額). The bus driver does not give change(おつり).

Yusuke: I have those fare saver tickets(割引券)you suggested I buy. That should make it easier for me(これが役に立つはずだ).

Bus driver: "Move to the back of the bus, please."

Yusuke: Why did he ask us that? So that it will be easier for the other passengers coming later(後から来る)to get on the bus?

Jenny: Yes, it's proper public transportation etiquette(公共交通機関を利用する時のエチケット), sort of like unwritten rules(暗黙の了解) for people to follow when they take public transportation.

Yusuke: There are a lot of unwritten rules like that in Japan as well.

Jenny: This is our stop: The Skytrain(スカイトレイン) station.

Yusuke: Let's try to get to the front to thank the driver, before we leave the bus.

Jenny: We'd better not(止めた方が良い). The passengers sitting beyond a certain point are asked to exit at the back of the bus. Also when taking the escalator we should stay to the right side.

Yusuke: Why?

Jenny: It's another unwritten rule. If you want to stand you stick to the right side of the escalator stairs, but if you want to walk ,you stay to the left(エスカレーターに乗って歩かない人は右側に立ち、歩く人は左側を通る). It keeps the pedestrian traffic moving.

Yusuke: All these rules! I hope I get used to it(慣れる); I don't want to offend(気を悪くさせる) anyone!

Jenny: Oh, but there is more. When the train arrives you should let people off(降ろさせてあげる) before entering the train yourself and if you are fortunate(ラッキーにも) to have a seat on a crowded train, offer your seat to the elderly and disabled(身体に障害がある人), should they get on.

Yusuke: Wow, my head is spinning(頭が混乱する).

Jenny: You'll get the hang of it(すぐ慣れるよ). If I can remember not to wear my shoes in your house, then you can remember how to use public transit here. (laughs)

Yusuke: I sure hope so.