  夏期留学 私の留学記 海を渡った高校生 ジョイントプログラム
  クロストーク 学校案内 留学無料代行手続き・問合せ


by Katie Mary Ballyk


Junko: I have noticed there are many vegetarians in Canada, especially on the West Coast.

Abdul: Yes, vegetarianism is common in some parts of Canada. Are you vegetarian?

Junko: Well, I do not eat red meat, I barely eat chicken, but I do eat a lot of fish and vegetables.

Abdul: Technically speaking, you are not a vegetarian if you still eat fish and poultry such as chicken.

Junko: So how do you define "vegetarian?"

Abdul: There are several kinds of vegetarians. A lacto-ovo vegetarian eats dairy products and eggs, but does not eat meat, poultry or seafood. A lacto vegetarian will eat dairy, but no eggs, meat, poultry or seafood. A vegan is someone who does not consume any animal products or animal by-products such as dairy, eggs, or honey. They also refrain from buying animal products such as leather, wool and pearls.

  • Lacto-ovo vegetarian : 乳製品と卵は食べるが、肉、鶏肉、魚を食べない人。
  • Lacto vegeterian : 乳製品は食べるが、卵、肉、鶏肉、魚を食べない人。
  • Vegan : 肉、魚、乳製品、卵、蜂蜜などを食べないだけでなく、革や羊毛など動物から作った製品も一切使わない完全菜食主義者。

Abdul: In these modern times and in developed countries like Canada and Japan, food products have become so mass-produced and prepackaged that many people have no idea where their food comes from.

Junko: Where can I learn more about vegetarian cooking, Abdul?

Abdul: There are many good vegetarian cookbooks around. Check out your local library and research on the internet for book titles. Once you practice a little, invite me over for a bean casserole or some other tantalizing vegetarian recipe.

Junko: I most certainly will Abdul. In fact, I look forward to it!

  • Red meat : 生の状態で赤い肉。牛肉、羊肉など。
  • Technically : 厳密に言えば・・・
  • Define : 定義
  • Refrain from : ・・・することを避ける
  • Mass-produced : 大量生産
  • Tantalizing : 興味をそそる・・・