  大学編入プログラム 私の留学記 海を渡った高校生 クロストーク

The Evolution of Language

by Katie Mary Ballyk


Jane: I have a difficult time (てこずっている)understanding what my grandchildren are talking about much of the time. Young people seem to have a language all of their own.

Kaori: I think that is true of each new generation of young people. All around the world and through the ages, language, like every thing else, has been evolving.

Jane: And continues to do so. At my age I find it hard to keep up with (遅れないようについていく)all the changes that are happening today.

Kaori: Everything is very fast paced (ペースが速い)now. With computers in common usage, a whole new jargon (専門語)is developing.

Jane: My granddaughter talks about Computer lingo.(コンピューター用語)She "surfs" the internet!!

Kaori: With the Internet, people can chat with other people all around the world simultaneously.(同時に) Words and forms of expression from different languages are being introduced into common usage faster than ever before.

Jane: I believe so. My granddaughter took me to a Starbucks coffee shop last week end. I was surprised by the adjectives they used to identify the different sizes of the coffee.

Kaori: (laughs) Yes. Instead of small, medium and large, it's Tall, Grande and Venti.(スターバックス・コーヒーではカップのサイズをこう呼んでいる)

Jane: I don't go to Starbucks that often, so it's too hard for me to remember. I just said "I'll have a small tea" and then I asked my granddaughter to translate for me.

Kaori: Good idea. I'm sure she felt proud flaunting (誇示する)her knowledge to her Grandma!

Jane: Oh yes and I am always so proud of her (彼女を誇らしく思う)that I practically bust my buttons!! (ボタンがはじけるほど胸を膨らませる) What I find ironic though, is that in a time of rapid change, more people will begin to yearn (あこがれる)for simpler times. What was old fashioned may become in fashion again. (古いものが新しい流行になる)

Kaori: Oh yes, but Jane, many things that are old are also timeless. Classics never go out of fashion, but seem to transcend time and place.(時と空間を超える)

Jane: In today's fast paced world, they also make the world a more comforting place (より快適な場所)to live for us all.