  カナダの大学カレッジ留学ガイド ジョイントプログラム
  海を渡った高校生 Crosstalk 私の留学記 留学無料代行手続き・問合せ

New Years Resolution

by Katie Mary Ballyk


Katie: Midori, have you made your New Year's resolution yet?

Midori: Yes, I have. Would you like to guess what my resolution is?

Katie: Sure, I would. Let's see…. Is it something to do with a relationship?

Midori: You are right! My resolution is to find a nice boyfriend that I can share my time with in Canada. By the way, do you know what kind of resolutions people have in Canada?

Katie: Most people make at least one resolution, probably related to health and fitness.

Midori: Can you give me some examples?

Katie: The majority promise to eat healthier, exercise more, lose weight or quit smoking.
Returning debts and organizing their lives better seem to be popular resolutions as well.

Midori: I wonder how successful people are in keeping their resolutions.

Katie: Unfortunately, while they may get off to a good start the challenge for most people seems to be to maintaining the new behavior for the whole year. On average only about 20% of people, manage to keep their resolutions each year.

Midori: They may be setting goals that are too difficult for them.

Katie: That is probably true in many cases. Most of them probably make and fail the same resolution year after year.

Midori: A good new year's resolution in that case is to resolve to make an easier resolution than the last year.

Katie: That should certainly help. So, do you think you will succeed in keeping your resolution?

Midori: I will certainly try my best.

Would you like to guess (当ててみる?)
Let's see (さーて・・・)
By the way (ところで)
Can you give me some examples? (例を挙げてくれますか?)
The majority (大半)
off to a good start (駆け出しは良い)
On average (平均で)
year after year (来る年も来る年も)
try my best (全力を尽くす)

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