  ビジネスESL 進学に備える英語コース 海を渡った高校生 CrossTalk
  留学相談Q&A 学校案内 留学無料代行手続き・問合せ

The multiculturalism debate

by Katie Mary Ballyk


Hiroshi: Excuse me; do you know Vancouver very well?

Parmi: Yes, I was born and raised in this city.

Hiroshi: Oh really? But I thought you were from India and visiting this country, like me.

Parmi: Because of the colour of my skin you assumed I am not Canadian?

Hiroshi: Sorry, but I thought most Canadians are Caucasian.

Parmi: Absolutely not. In Canada there are many different cultures and ethnicities. Canada is a country built by immigrants. In fact most people, including Caucasian-Canadians came here from somewhere else. The only true indigenous people to this country are First Nations.

Hiroshi: It is true. I have noticed there are many different visible identities here. It is not like Japan at all where the majority of people are of Japanese ethnicity.

Parmi: The term used to describe the make-up of Canada is multicultural. However, there is a lot of debate about what the term means. For instance, does it mean an immigrant abandons his or her host culture in order to assimilate into the mainstream? Or, that he or she retains their original culture while living in a different country?

Hiroshi: Hmm, I can see how multiculturalism could inspire a lot of debate! But what is Canada's solution to this?

Parmi: Canada decided to have a policy that is often referred to as a mosaic, where different cultures co-exist and tolerate one another's differences. However, to live here it is expected that people abide by the laws and customs of the mainstream and speak one of our two official languages, English or French.

Hiroshi: That would make Canada different from any other country in the world.

  • Born and raised :生まれて育った
  • Caucasian :白人
  • Absolutely not :絶対違う
  • Ethnicities :民族性
  • Immigrants :移民
  • In fact :実際のところ・・・
  • Indigenous :土着の
  • First Nations :先住民族
  • Visible identities :外見的な特徴。例:肌の色など
  • Make-up :構成
  • Multicultural :多文化
  • For instance :例えば・・・
  • Assimilate :同化する
  • Mainstream :主流
  • Mosaic :モザイク
  • Co-exist and tolerate one another's differences :それぞれの違いに寛容になり共存する
  • Abide by the laws and customs :法と習慣に従う