  カナダ高校留学フェア Winter ESL 海を渡った高校生 CrossTalk
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Canadian Thanksgiving

By Maria Aoki


Maria: Do you know the history of Canadian Thanksgiving?

アユミ: No, I thought Americans started Thanksgiving.

Maria: Actually, the first ever North American Thanksgiving celebration took place in Canada. In 1578, an English navigator named Martin Frobisher held a celebration in what is now Newfoundland to celebrate his long journey.

アユミ: I thought it was the Pilgrims who started this tradition. When was the first American celebration?

Maria: In 1621, the Pilgrims celebrated their first Thanksgiving in what is now America. During the 1750s, this tradition made its way to Canada through Americans settling in Nova Scotia.

アユミ: If this tradition made its way from America, why is the Canadian Thanksgiving celebrated earlier? Shouldn't it be on the same day?

Maria: Canada did not have a set date for the celebrations for a long time. Each year, Parliament would declare a day of thanks. In January of 1957, Parliament declared that the second Monday of October would be the permanent day of Thanksgiving. They described it as "a day of general Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed."

アユミ: So, does that mean each year Canadians are giving thanks for their harvest?

Maria: Exactly! It is to celebrate a successful harvest. Canada's harvest comes earlier than the United States because it is farther north. That is the main reason Canada has its celebrations earlier.

アユミ: What about the Thanksgiving dinner? Is Canadian Thanksgiving dinner any different from Americans?

Maria: No. When it comes to the dinner, there is no difference. Turkey is usually the main course. Other popular items include candied yams, potatoes, cranberry sauce, corn, brussel sprouts and pumpkin or apple pie for dessert!

アユミ: You're making me hungry!

Maria: We have plenty of room at our dinner table this Monday. You are more than welcome to join us.

アユミ: I am very thankful that I have good friends like you!

  • took place: ・・・で行われた
  • Pilgrims: 入植者
  • made its way to Canada: カナダに伝わった
  • Shouldn't it be: ・・・であるべきでは?
  • a set date: 一定の日
  • for a long time: 長い間
  • Parliament: 国会
  • Declare: 布告、公表する
  • Almighty God: 全能の神
  • bountiful harvest: 豊富な収穫
  • Exactly!: その通り!
  • What about: ・・・はどうですか?
  • When it comes to the dinner: 夕食について言えば
  • You are more than welcome: あなたは大歓迎です
  • very thankful: とても感謝する