  カレッジと大学進学に備える英語コース 私の留学記 海を渡った高校生 クロストーク
  留学相談Q&A 学校案内 留学無料代行手続き・問合せ

Yes, No, or read between lines.

by Katie Mary Ballyk


Julia: Canadians focus more on the goals of the individual, while Japanese tend to focus more on the goals of the group, would you agree Masami.

Masami: Yes, but where do you think that kind of difference comes from?

Julia: Canada is made of immigrants from many different cultures. We can say Japanese culture is homogeneous. There is more consensus and conformity. Canadian culture is heterogeneous and dissent is more acceptable and inevitable.

Masami: Do you think that causes more stress in Canadian society?

Julia: Heterogeneous societies certainly can create conflict between different cultures. At the same time, Canadians show generosity toward differences.

Masami: I agree there would be less pressure on individuals in Canada because differences are accepted, but, I think it would be stressful to insist your point of view all the time.

Julia: Can you give me some examples?

Masami: Japanese tend to feel it is confrontational or impolite to assert yourself. They would manoeuvre the conversation to send implicit messages without saying yes or no.

Julia: That is confusing and impractical. It could cause serious misunderstanding. Why do you feel it is impolite to say no when you cannot go along with the essence of the questions?

Masami: We do not want to hurt the other person's feelings. By particularly saying no you sound so definite and final. Reading between the lines is more dignifying and sensitive. It works better for the relationship and you can communicate to each other perfectly well without saying no.

Julia: I know it would not work for me. However, it is certainly interesting to know there are different ways of communicating with each other.

  • Homogeneous:同質
  • Heterogeneous:異相混合
  • Consensus and conformity:意見の一致と調和
  • Conflict between different cultures:異文化間の葛藤
  • Generosity toward differences:異質のものに対して寛大
  • Insist point of view:意見を主張する
  • Assert yourself:自分を主張する
  • Manoeuvre the conversation to send implicit messages:言葉を駆使して隠されたメッセージを伝える
  • Confusing and impractical:混乱させ非実用的
  • Hurt the other person's feelings:相手の感情を傷つける
  • Read between the lines:言葉に隠された真意を読み取る