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  海を渡った高校生 Crosstalk 私の留学記 こうすれば英語が上達する

Election Day

by Katie Mary Ballyk


Sara: There is a presidential election this month in the United States. Do many young people vote in Japan?

Tohiro: I am not sure. But, I don't usually vote.

Sara: Oh. Why is that?

Tohiro: Because my vote is among millions of votes. I don't think one vote will make any differences.

Sara: That may be true, but imagine what would happen if a large majority of people felt that way and as a result, did not vote. Only a very small proportion of voters would decide who our next governing party would be, and yet we would all have to live with that decision until the next election.

Tohiro: Still, I don't think my vote can have that much impact.

Sara: Well, consider this: only 32% of eligible voters between 18 and 24 years old cast a ballot in the last presidential election. That percentage has steadily declined in the last thirty years. Here is a significant group of people with interests far different from older voters, whose voices are not being heard. And consider that promoting voter apathy is a strategy some parties might employ to prevent voters who support the opposition from heading to the polls.

Tohiro: Hmm, if my apathy for voting is helping politicians that I don't support, I am doing exactly what I don't want to do. After all, my interests should be represented, just like everyone else's.

Sara: You're right. All eligible voters should research each party and its respective candidate and vote for whoever will most likely represent the issues that are important to them.

Tohiro: That sounds reasonable. I think I will vote next time.

Presidential election (大統領選挙)
Millions of (何百万もの)
Make any differences (結果に影響を及ぼす)
That may be true (それは正しいかも知しれない)
Live with (・・に耐える)
Consider this (考えてみてください)
Steadily declined (下降の一途をたどっている)
After all (何といっても)
You're right (その通り)
That sounds reasonable (筋が通っているようだ)

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